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Text File  |  2010-02-02  |  4KB  |  117 lines

  1. application_name=WiseStamp
  2. wisestamp-footer-firefox=<br><div dir="ltr" style="font-size: 10px;"><span style="color: gray; ">--- @ <a  href="http://www.wisestamp.com/email-install" style="color: gray; text-decoration: none">WiseStamp Signature</a></span>. <a  href="http://www.wisestamp.com/email-install">Get it now</a></div>
  3. wisestamp-footer-thunderbird=<br><div dir="ltr" style="font-size: 10px;"><span style="color: gray; ">--@ Thunderbird signature by <a  href="http://www.wisestamp.com/email-install" style="color: gray; text-decoration: none">WiseStamp</a>.</span></div>
  4. extensions.wisestamp.description=Enrique├ºa sua assinatira no Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL mail e mais...
  5. services-emptytext=http:// mostre-me como >>
  6. im-emptytext=Usuário
  7. im-prefix=Chat:
  8. services-prefix=Cantacte-me:
  9. #Persion ID signature or Business ID signature.
  11. #%s will be replaced with either variation
  13. currentSignatureMsg=Assinatura %s
  14. removeService=Remover
  15. #im
  17. aim=AIM
  18. msn=MSN
  19. yahoo=Y! messenger
  20. skype=Skype
  21. gtalk=Google Talk
  22. icq=icq
  23. qq=QQ
  24. googlewave=Google Wave
  25. #services
  27. amazon=Amazon
  28. answers=Answers.com
  29. bebo=Bebo
  30. blogger=Blogger
  31. blogRSS=Blog RSS
  32. delicious=del.icio.us
  33. deviantart=DeviantART
  34. digg=Digg
  35. ebay=Ebay
  36. etsy=Etsy
  37. facebook=Facebook
  38. flickr=Flickr
  39. flixster=Flixster
  40. friendfeed=Friendfeed
  41. friendster=Friendster
  42. google=Google
  43. googlecalendar=Agenda do Google
  44. googlereader=Leitor do Google
  45. hi5=hi5
  46. lastfm=Last.fm
  47. linkedin=Linkedin
  48. livejournal=Livejournal
  49. meetup=Meetup
  50. mybloglog=MyBlogLog
  51. myspace=MySpace
  52. netflix=Netflix
  53. netvibes=Netvibes
  54. ning=Ning
  55. orkut=Orkut
  56. photobucket=Photobucket
  57. picasa=Picasa
  58. plaxo=Plaxo
  59. plurk=Plurk
  60. reddit=Reddit
  61. stumbleupon=Stumbleupon
  62. second_life=Second Life
  63. seesmic=Seesmic
  64. slideshare=Slideshare
  65. technorati=Technorati
  66. tumblr=Tumblr
  67. twitter=Twitter
  68. typepad=Typepad
  69. upcoming=Upcoming
  70. vimeo=Vimeo
  71. wordpress=Wordpress
  72. xanga=Xanga
  73. xing=Xing
  74. visualcv=VisualCV
  75. yanswers=Yahoo Respostas
  76. yedda=Yedda
  77. yelp=Yelp
  78. youtube=Youtube
  79. #editor strings
  81. createlink=Digite uma URL:
  82. createlinkTitle=Adicionar URL
  83. createimage=Digite uma URL de imagem:
  84. createimageTitle=Adicionar figura
  85. createtablerows=Digite o n├║mero de linhas
  86. createtablecolumns=Digite o n├║mero de colunas
  87. invalid_image_error=Favor informar um link de imagem v├ílido!
  88. invalid_link_error=Favor informar um link v├ílido!
  89. #options strings
  91. errorsigexists=Esta assinatura j├í existe.
  92. duplicate_signatures=You have defined more than one signature called '%s'. If you're trying to swap signature names - try doing it in several steps.
  93. deletesignaturetitle=Apagar assinatura
  94. deletesignatureerr=Voc├¬ n├úo pode remover a ├║ltima assinatura
  95. deletesignatureconfirm=Espere... tem certeza que quer apagar esta assinatura?\nAVISO: Se voc├¬ clicar no OK, todos os detalhes desta assinatura ser├úo perdidos para sempre.\nClique em Cancelar para voltar ou OK para continuar.
  96. newsigTitle=Criar nova assinatura
  97. newsig=Como deseja chamar esta assinatura?
  98. empty_sig_name_error=Favor informar nomes v├ílidos para todas as assinaturas!
  99. signature_sync_question=Some signatures on the server are different from the local ones. What would you like to do? 
  100. signature_sync_question_button_server=Update from server
  101. signature_sync_question_button_local=Keep the local ones
  102. signature_sync_question_button_merge=Merge local and server
  103. first_login_message=Your signatures were stored on Wisestamp server and will be synchronized with the server as long as you are logged in.
  104. signatures_loaded=Your signatures were loaded from the Wisestamp server.
  105. signatures_saved=Your signatures were saved on the Wisestamp server.
  106. login_required=To use this feature you must be logged in to our server. Please log in and try again.
  107. login_required_title=Login required!
  108. login_parameters_missing=Please enter email and password to login. 
  109. action_failed=Failed to perform the requested operation. Please contact Wisestamp support team.
  110. comm_action_failed=Failed to access the Wisestam server. Please contact Wisestamp support team.
  111. extensions.wisestamp.contactme=Contacte-me
  112. extensions.wisestamp.chat=Chat
  113. #advanced pane 
  115. advanced.export.filename=Filename to export to:
  116. advanced.import.filename=Filename to import from: